Read the privacy terms and accept it. A new screen will be displayed with the options from where you can select your file to be uploaded in the ePRINTit SaaS system for printing. In this screen you can also configure the device to where you are going to print your files.
uDCD8 Instructions
QRCode Print
A QR code (Quick Response code) is a two-dimensional barcode that can be read by a mobile camera which will then interpret the data encoded in the QR code and take the appropriate action. QR codes are square-shaped and contain a variety of information. In the ePRINTit SaaS system the QR Code allows the user to connect the mobile to a printer device.
The mobile app also allows the user to change the location to where the files will be sent, according to the user’s preference. When user select the Change Locations button, a new screen will be displayed with the nearest location available.
The user also has the option to search the location/devices available selecting the Map tab, where the user can have a view of the available location in the map.
After the location is selected, user can start printing the files.
Click on the Change Area button for getting list of printer of some other location.
User can search for printer on a specific location by adding any of the below information in the Change your search area search text box without enabling the Geo-Locate feature.
Country: By adding country name, you will get the list of all the printers available in that country.
State: By adding state name, you will get the list of all the printers available in that state.
City: By adding city name, you will get the list of all the printers available in that city.
Zip: By adding zip code, you will get the list of all the printers available in that zip code address.
You have a filter option for the area search which is Distance.
From the distance button, you can select the range of distance in which you want to filter the list of printers. Here you have maximum of 100 miles and minimum 1 mile option.
After selecting the distance, click on the Apply button for applying the filter.
You can also apply Open Now filter for filtering the list of printers which are available at that time.
To add files from email, user should tap on Add Files/Email and select the email provider.
When selecting Office365, the following screen will be displayed requesting access to the user’s Office365 account.
Jobs can be printed or deleted through this option.
If the user has not selected any account that he added while submitting a job then we are storing it on local data base of the device because we do not have the token to make the API call to fetch the job. As the token can only be used if we have the account added. So when you delete such a job where you selected Release code, LMS or guest for job upload then it will not make API call and delete only from the device not from the portal.
If you have have added any account from add account section and then use that account to upload and submit a job and then you delete it. Then in this case that job will also be deleted from portal as we will have the authorization token of the account used to upload the job and we can use that token to make the graphQL API call to delete the job using that token.