Destination- Here you have to select the destination where the scanned job is going to be saved. You can either save the scanned job in Email or USB.
Email- Click on the Email button on the right side. A new window will open-
Here you can add required information such as To, CC, BCC, Subject, and Message.
USB- Click on the USB button on the right side. A new window will open-
Here on the left side, you will see all the attached USB devices. Select any device and you will see all the contents on the right side. Now select any folder where you want to save the scanned job and hit the Done button. Your desired path will be saved.
File Type and Resolution
From this section, you can configure the File Type, Resolution, Quality and File Size, Compression, and PDF Encryption.
If you select PDF Encryption, then you have to set the password for the encrypted file.
Scroll down a little bit fill in the Password and Re-enter Password field and then hit the Done button to save the new configuration.