The File Upload Page allows users to upload files to the ePRINTit SaaS system to be printed in the future. The file types supported are configurable and may vary depending on the customer. To get more information about how to configure the file type supported, click here. To get more information about how to configure how long the files will be available for printing, click /wiki/spaces/ES/pages/464453788.
Info |
For TBS customers uploaded files will be stored in the premises: the organization and control of digital files stored within a computer network. For Non-TBS the files are stored in the cloud. For more information about the customer type, click here. |
Getting Started:
Users must access the Customer File Upload Page through the following address: https://tenantdomain.eprintitsaas.net/public/upload.
Info |
The printing details available are configured in the Joblist Settings option. To get more information about how to configure the job settings, click here. |
Customer Web Logo configured during the Customer Onboarding process. For more information about how to insert/update the customer logo, click here.
By default, all fields and information will be displayed in English.
If the customer selects a different language, the system will translates translate each field and the text displayed in the Customer File Upload Page to the selected language.
The name of the customer. For more information about how to insert/update this field, click here.
Text Area
This area displays any free text included and is used to provide additional information or notes that may not fit into other predetermined fields.
This field refers to the specific days and hours the location is available for use and this For mor more information about how this field is configured, click here. For more information about how to modify the hours of working, click here.
The login area is a required field that is used to identify a user and grant access to a system, application or space. It is used in conjunction with a password or PIN number that servers serves as an additional security measure to verify the identity of the user. These credentials are maintained by the customer.
For more information about how to configure this field, click here.
After the login is accepted, the system will open the area to select the files to be submitted and make them available to be printed.
For more information about how to select files to be submitted, click here. After the files are selected type a valid email address and mobile number for receipt of submission with the release code and click on the Submit button. For more information about email address and mobile number configuration, click here.
The Guest Name field is used to capture the name of a guest or visitor. This information is used by the user to retrieve the printouts. For more information about how to configure this field, click here. Click on this field to open the area to select the files to be uploaded and make them available to be printed.
Right after the selection files area, the following fields are going to be displayed, in order to allow the user to inform the Guest Name. Type the Guest Name and click on Submit button. For more information about how to select files to be submitted, click here.
This field displays the information about how to download the mobile version of ePRINTit SaaS for Android and iOS. For more information about how to download the mobile version, click /wiki/spaces/ES/pages/438272270 here.
Click on Download on the App Store or GET IT ON Google Play.
Email Printing
This field displays the information about how to print the documents by sending them to an email address. This email is assigned during the customer onboarding. For more information about how the email printing address, click here.
Partner Logo
The logo of the partner. For more information about partners, click here.
Partner Web Site
Select File
This feature is only available for files that are compatible with the printer configured and are not protected by password. For more information about how to configure the supported files, click here.
There are two options to select the files to be uploaded: