

A dashboard is a user interface that displays information in a visually organized and easy-to-read format. Dashboards are designed to be highly customizable and allow users to quickly access and analyze the data they need.

There are several different types of dashboards, and ePRINTit SaaS system provides users the Analytics Dashboard.

This dashboard is designed for data analysts and other users who need to drill down into the details of specific metrics or data sets and include a data visualization tool in a chart format.


Getting Started:

Users must log in to the system to access the dashboard feature. Once logged in, users can navigate to the dashboard feature by clicking the "Dashboard" option in the main navigation menu. This feature is managed by permissions and the user must be associated to a group that allows the user to access this option. To get more information about groups and how to associate it to a role type that has this permission, click here.



The ePRINTit SaaS Analytics Dashboard provide the overview regarding the pages printed per day in the last 30 days and the delivery method (Mobile, Web Upload and Email).This information displayed in this format; allows business owners to save time and improve their decision making.



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