Joblist Setting

Joblist Setting

This document outlines the steps and instructions to customize the printing job list settings according to the needs of the user. The printing job list is a feature that allows users to view the list of all the print jobs that are going to queue, and waiting to be printed. By customizing the printing job list settings, the user can have more control over the printing process and manage the jobs effectively.


Getting Started:

To access the JobList Settings screen, the user simply needs to login to the ePRINTit SaaS and on the menu bar navigate to the Configuration/Customization/JobList Settings area. This feature is managed by permissions and the user must be associated to a group that allows the user to access this option. To get more information about groups and how to associate it to a role type that has this permission, click here.








  1. Joblist Setting | Delete Print Jobs after day(s)

  2. Joblist Setting | Copies

  3. Joblist Setting | Page Range

  4. Joblist Setting | Color

  5. Joblist Setting | Duplex

  6. Joblist Setting | Layout

  7. Joblist Setting | Staple

  8. Joblist Setting | Automatic Print Delivery

  9. Joblist Setting | Paper Size

  10. Joblist Setting | Charge for Usage

  11. Joblist Setting | Enable Copy Paper Size

  12. Joblist Setting | Enable Scan Paper Size

  13. Joblist Setting | Size

  14. Joblist Setting | Default

  15. Joblist Setting | LMS Validate

  16. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/edit-v2/438141594#URL

  17. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/edit-v2/438141594#API-Key

  18. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/edit-v2/438141594#Secret

  19. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/edit-v2/438141594#Default-Thing

  20. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/438141594/Joblist+Setting#QRCode-Print-Release

  21. https://devtbs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESCP/pages/edit-v2/438141594#Delete-Jobs-After-Print



Customer name provided during the Onboard Process.

Delete Print Jobs after day(s)

The ePrintIT SaaS system provides the option to automatically delete print jobs after a certain number of days. This feature can help to manage the storage of print jobs and reduce clutter in the system.


  • Max value/length

Page Range

  • Max value/length


  • Grayscale

  • Color


  • One Sided

  • Two Sided


  • As Saved

  • Portrait

  • Landscape


Automatic Print Delivery

If this toggle bar is enabled, then PDS and Kiosk will receive automatic print delivery.

  • If the Automatic Print Delivery toggle bar is enabled then:

    • when you upload any file it will be auto-delivered to the Things following certain rules.

    • then it will try to find the print delivery station at the provided location.

    • If it finds PDS: then it will deliver the job to the PDS.

    • If on the provided location not PDS exists: it looks for the devices on that location. Whichever device is present it will send the job to the attached Kiosk/PDS.

    • If during the submission of the job, the location was not provided: then we will try to fetch DefaultAutomaticDeliveryLocation.

    • If the PDS exists on the DefaultAutomaticDeliveryLocation:

      • It will send the job to the thing.

      • Otherwise, it will try to look for the devices in that location and will send the job to the attached Kiosk/PDS.

Paper Size

Refers to the range of paper dimensions that a printer, copier, or other printing device can accommodate for printing or copying documents. The following are the supported paper sizes:

  • Letter

  • Legal

  • Ledger

  • Tabloid

  • A4

  • A3

  • Statement

  • Letter Small

  • Executive

  • Standard 11X17

  • A0

  • A1

  • A2

Charge for Usage

Enable Copy Paper Size

Enable Scan Paper Size




LMS Validate

The LMS Validate option enables the login to validate the credentials against the customer’s Library Management System. The LMS credentials can be informed in File Upload Page to submit jobs. To get more information about how to login in File Upload Page click here.

a. URL: Customer’s endpoint for the specific action you are going to perform (Get).

b. API Key: The API Key is a unique identifier that authenticates ePRINTit SaaS with the Library Management System. To obtain an API key, you will need to contact the LMS administrator or support team.

c. Secret: The secret key is a unique identifier that authenticates ePRINTit SaaS with the LMS. To obtain a secret key, you will need to contact your LMS administrator or support team.

d. Default Thing: Default usually refers to the pre-set configuration of a specific field. When a user does not specify their preferred options, the application will use the default setting. To get more information about how to configure a thing, click here.


Customer’s endpoint for the specific action you are going to perform (Get).


The API Key is a unique identifier that authenticates ePRINTit SaaS with the Library Management System. To obtain an API key, you will need to contact the LMS administrator or support team.


The secret key is a unique identifier that authenticates ePRINTit SaaS with the LMS. To obtain a secret key, you will need to contact your LMS administrator or support team.

Default Thing

Default usually refers to the pre-set configuration of a specific field. When a user does not specify their preferred options, the application will use the default setting. To get more information about how to configure a thing, click here.

QRCode Print Release

The QR Code Print Release feature in the ePRINTit SaaS system allows users who are using the Mobile Web/App to submit and release print jobs by scanning a QR Code at the Printer or Kiosk. This let's the Mobile Web/App know which Printer to release the Print Job submitted. Enabling this setting allows Users to use this feature in the mobile Web/App.

Delete Jobs After Print


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